Welcome, My Partners in Crime!

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of this tangled web of blinking lights and zippy wire tubes we call the Internet. I have staked claim on this prime piece of real estate, but you are welcome to sit a spell and take a look around... just don't touch the fine silver... fingerprints are annoying to get off those bad boys!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Today is my last day at this job...

I am in such a good place today.  I slept in late today, was late for work, but I don't care.  I forgot lunch, but that doesnt' matter!  I just feel good.  I feel powerful and that is such a rare occurance. 

My stinkin job isn't doing anything for my going away, even though I have been here for over a year, but eff them all.  It just solidifies my decision to leave. 

I just got a call from a job that I have applied to offering me a job, I am so so so happy!

I know its short, but I will write more later.

Peace Out Cub Scouts!

1 comment:

  1. Keep that positive attitude!! Its contagious and I could sure use some!!
